So... Drachenfels by the lovely Melanie Berg - it's fair to say I'm late to the party on this. But I'm so glad I finally made it. You can see my Ravelry project page (it's linked to the pattern page too)
HERE for a start.

I found this pattern easy, relaxing, and addictive. Normally, I'm bored of projects by about 70% of the way through (probably because I'm usually sample knitting and need to hurry up), but despite being largely garter stitch this did hold my attention right to the end.

And the I-cord bind off is a stroke of genius. It's so neat and perfect for this pattern. I know you'll be wondering what the yarn is - it's Titus 4ply in Geum (the lightest shade), Rosehip (the coral) and Black Magic Rose (the aubergine). They may not be in stock right now, but I got quite carried away with three-colour combinations from the latest update (see below).

So if you're reading this after Sunday the 29th of May, they might be sold out, and if you're reading before the 29th of May they aren't in stock yet because they're going to be in Sunday's update. BUT if you miss out on any of these, don't worry - there'll always be more yarn. Before I carry on this seems like a sensible time to add that if you want to get email reminders of new yarn, you can join the ECY newsletter
HERE. I only send them out when I have things to tell you that I think you'll want to know about (because they take quite a lot of time to put together, so it's got to be worthwhile!). Ok, here we go. This is JUST the Titus 4ply that I've dyed for the next update - there are other yarn bases and colours too, which will be up in a preview blog post tomorrow. Starling, Linen, and Black Magic Rose:

Cedar, Starling, and Linen:

Hyssop, Starling and Linen (to demonstrate the difference that Cedar and Hyssop make to this set):

Black Magic Rose, Driftwood, and Vintage Ribbon:

Black Magic Rose, Driftwood, and I've swapped in Hydrangea on the right, to change the whole palette:

Driftwood, Misty Woods, and Hydrangea:

Millpond, Misty Woods, and Hydrangea:

Cedar, Misty Woods, and Driftwood:

Linen, Sunset, and Black Magic Rose:

Misty Woods, Cromer Pier (a handpainted batch), and Linen:

Millpond, Daffodil, and Linen:

Buddleja, Hydrangea, and Black Magic Rose:

Buddleja, Vintage Ribbon, and Black Magic Rose:

Hydrangea, Vintage Ribbon, and Black Magic Rose:

Cedar, Misty Woods, and Daffodil:

Anyway.. all those possibilities - they're endless really..
what an awesome shawl…. i clearly need one in my wardrobe but I have to say, your colour combos have me thinking…. What to choose?? love your work and BTW, new colour starling is beautiful.