With the weather here in Britain finally feeling a bit more wintry, now would seem like a good time to show off an FO from early December which I thought I'd need and haven't really done until now! This lovely Lopi-style sweater is
Caramia by Kate Heppell, and featured in Knit Now originally. It's written for a different yarn (Ístex Álafoss Lopi), but as soon as I saw it I thought it'd be lovely in
ECY Whitfell Chunky..

..and it is. It got heavy whilst I was knitting it, and it feels heavy to hold, but once I put it on it's light and comfortable - you don't know you have a chunky jumper on. It probably helps that it's fitted rather than baggy, though you could easily make it baggy by making a larger size.

I knitted most of this jumper in the space of a week - in total it only took about two weeks.

So the colours.. The main colour is River - this one is twisted with two strands in different shades of blue. It looks more jazzy in the skein, I think, than knitted up. I love how tweedy it looks as a fabric.

The contrast colours are: Natural (off-White), Sand (yellow), Steel (grey), and Silhouette (dark blue). Silhouette is also one that's twisted in strands of two different shades, but knits up looking more cohesive and a bit tweedy. It's lovely - I'll show you properly sometime. Anyway, we got some out-takes. I've no idea what was happening to make me do this:

And this was our initial location:
Glenshee ski centre. It was zero degrees Celsius, which isn't too cold normally, but the wind chill was quite severe. It makes it feel much, much colder up there. Also, the wind was so strong it turned my cheeks really pink and was whipping my hair about, so it wasn't
ideal. However, if you are in search of snow and skiing or snowboarding, this is a good place to check for snowfall (I did see yesterday, the 14th of Jan, that this ski centre was open).

Finally, don't forget that if you buy five or more skeins of this yarn you'll get the jumper discount - 10% off. I thought it'd be helpful. ;)
Wow! It’s beautiful!