Following the success of the ever-popular Love Note pattern by Tin Can Knits (available on Ravelry and available from them directly HERE) and having made mine in Milburn 4ply (HERE) held double with Eldwick Lace (HERE) I thought it would be cool to do an Eldwick Lace update of 20 colours specifically chosen to go with each of the 20 Milburn colours. You can also see these pics on Flickr HERE.
Here's my Love Note (I made it using slightly smaller needles to get gauge compared to what they recommend):

Before you scroll just bear in mind also that the lighting in the swatch pics is quite different to the lovely diffused light in the yarn pics. I would say the yarn pics are the most accurate in terms of actual hue, but I hope the swatch pics will still give you a good idea of how the yarns work together.
Milburn 4ply/DK in Althaea + Eldwick Lace in Rambling Rose

Milburn 4ply/DK in Azalea + Eldwick Lace in Azalea

Milburn 4ply/DK in Black Tulip + Eldwick Lace in Heliotrope

Milburn 4ply/DK in Bramble + Edlwick Lace in Faded Bloom

Milburn 4ply/DK in Catmint + Eldwick Lace in Hyssop

Milburn 4ply/DK in Charcoal + Eldwick Lace in Charcoal

Milburn 4ply/DK in Compost + Eldwick Lace in Bark

Milburn 4ply/DK in Crocosmia + Eldwick Lace in Cloudberry

Milburn 4ply/DK in Dusk + Eldwick Lace in Dusk

Milburn 4ply/DK in Estuary + Eldwick Lace in Campanula

Milburn 4ply/DK in Fern + Eldwick Lace in Calamondin

Milburn 4ply/DK in Harvest Gold + Eldwick Lace in Summer Harvest

Milburn 4ply/DK in Natural + Eldwick Lace in Natural

Milburn 4ply/DK in Night Sky + Eldwick Lace in Tarn

Milburn 4ply/DK in Rain + Eldwick Lace in Steel

Milburn 4ply/DK in Rust + Eldwick Lace in Rust

Milburn 4ply/DK in Steel + Eldwick Lace in Ash

Milburn 4ply/DK in Tea Rose + Eldwick Lace in Apricot Tulip

Milburn 4ply/DK in Thyme + Eldwick Lace in Sage

Milburn 4ply/DK in Wicker + Eldwick Lace in Stone

And finally an anomaly - I couldn't resist trying Milburn 4ply in Charcoal held double with Eldwick Lace in Natural. I really wanted to see how the contrasting shades would look as a marl, so here you go:

Really cool isn't it!?
You’re very welcome Lynn! I’m so glad that it’s helpful as that makes it worth it :) although I did enjoy it anyway! It’s hard to pick a favourite isn’t it! x
Thanks for doing this Victoria, it really shows how beautiful the combinations look and takes away guess work. I love the harvest ones and the marled one and … all of them really 😁