July 2024 - a general update of what's on at ECY
Hi folks and good afternoon from a warm and sunny-ish Yorkshire! I'm sure many of you follow my social media and newsletters and stuff but I thought I should post an update on the blog too seeing as it appears on the website. There's so much to tell you since my last general news blog post so I won't try and cover it all, I'll just talk about the latest stuff. Firstly as I'm sure you'll have heard by now Laura has left ECY to move on to pastures new. She'll be greatly missed of course, but unfortunately with Brexit...
- Tags: 4ply/fingering, Colour Inspiration, colourinspiration, colours, cowl, craft, crafts, creative, creativelife, crochet, dyeing, ECY, ECY News, eddencottageyarns, Eden Cottage Yarns, edencottageyarns, festival, fibre east, garden, General Stuff, handdyed, handmade, handmadewardrobe, handmade_wardrobe, hobbies, hobby, indiedyer, inspiration, linen, merino, naturalfibres, nature, Pattern Inspiration, Pattern Releases, project, show, slowfashion, wildlife, wool, wool festival, yarn, yorkshire
Yarn, knitting, and crochet related gift ideas for 2021 - the ECY Gift Guide
It's that time of year again! This year has absolutely flown by (or is that just me?!) and with postage being potentially really slow again running up to December the 25th I would encourage you to crack on if you are wanting to order anything. We have info on shipping dates HERE actually - please do take a look. So... I know that a lot of people will be buying for others, but these are relevant if you fancy a treat yourself too, so I hope you find it useful. We've split ideas into budget sections. I am going to write this...
- Tags: 4ply/fingering, aran, bletchley, bluefacedleicester, British Wool, chunky, cowl, crafts, crochet, DK, Eden Cottage Yarns, garment, gifts, handdyed, handmade, hat, indiedyer, inspiration, kits, knitting, merino, mitts, Pattern, scarf, shawl, silk, socks, sweater, The Crochet Project, website, wool, wrap, yarn, yarn kit
Getting started with knitting and crochet - tips and resources
Intro (feel free to scroll past if you want to go straight to the resources!) Yarn crafts are really good activities to help combat boredom, loneliness, restlessness, depression, and anxiety. I say that because they’ve helped me in all of those ways. Having a project on the go can give you an achievable thing to focus on (obsess over if you need to), which can make you feel settled, relaxed, calm, and accomplished. I know that some projects can make you feel quite stressed with their complexity but that’s totally not necessary so don’t let it put you...
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- Tags: colour, craft, crafts, creative, creativelife, crochet, dyeing, ECY, eddencottageyarns, Eden Cottage Yarns, edencottageyarns, fibre, handknit, handknitting, handmade, hobbies, hobby, indiedyer, inspiration, knitting, merino, naturalfibres, Pattern Inspiration, project, Ravelry, tips & advice, Tips and Advice, wool, yarn
The story of colour development in a dye studio (shed)
I’ve spent quite a lot of time this week working on colour development and thought you might be interested to read about it - Claire and Debbie were, anyway, as they saw the work in progress and were wondering what on earth I was doing. They also had the unbridled joy of watching me flicking really slowly through my wildflower book to find the plants I was looking for and check their names. I do talk to myself whilst I'm doing this (yes, and I'm only 33) so I think they've learned to just ignore my ramblings. This week I was...
- Tags: BFL, colour, Colour Inspiration, colourinspiration, colours, craft, crafts, creative, creativelife, crochet, dyeing, ECY, ECY News, eddencottageyarns, Eden Cottage Yarns, edencottageyarns, flowers, Gallery, General Stuff, handdyed, handknit, handknitting, handmade, hobbies, hobby, Image, indiedyer, inspiration, knitting, naturalfibres, wool, yarn, yorkshire
Christmas gifts: the best ideas for knitters, crocheters, and yarn addicts
Stuck for what to buy the yarn addict in your life? You're in luck because crafty/creative/yarny people are easy to buy for - it doesn't take much to keep us happy! Whether their (or your) thing is crochet or knitting, or neither ..yet.. (!) we've got loads of lovely gift ideas for you. Similarly, if you've been given an Eden Cottage Yarns gift voucher, why not use it to buy yourself one of our gift ideas? We've started by creating a special gift collection/category on the ECY website HERE, so that should help you with a starting point. Here are some of...
- Tags: BFL, britishwool, colour, colourinspiration, colours, craft, crafts, creative, creativelife, crochet, ECY, eddencottageyarns, Eden Cottage Yarns, edencottageyarns, handdyed, handknit, handknitting, hobbies, hobby, indiedyer, inspiration, knitting, naturalfibres, Pattern Inspiration, project, Ravelry, shawl, tips & advice, Tips and Advice, wool, yarn