Similar to the Yarn Specific Blog Post Index this page is to help you navigate through our blog posts specifically relating to Milburn 4ply™ and Milburn DK - there are quite a few!! 🤣

Please be aware that older blog posts contain links to Ravelry so do exercise caution if you are unable to use their website. 



How did you choose which fibres to use for the yarn?

How did you choose your colours for this yarn?

How is the yarn produced?

Can you use Milburn DK in garments?

Colour Groups

New colours - 2nd wave

New colours - 3rd wave

New colours - 4th wave


Colour Specific Introductions

Introducing Autumn Fields

Introducing Estuary

Introducing Rain

Introducing Tea Rose

Introducing Bramble

Introducing Dusk

Introducing Azalea

Project Gallery posts




Autumn Fields